Fort Street High School

Faber est suae quisque fortunae

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Parents and Citizens Association

sun clock

The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is highly active and contributes substantially to the life of Fort Street High School. It provides a forum which enables parents to get involved in the organisation and direction of the school. The P&C initiates and supports programs to enhance student learning, manages the uniform shop and assists with fundraising for and running the Instrumental Music Program (IMP).

The P&C meets online at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of each month during school term time, unless otherwise specified.

You can follow the P&C on Facebook here

P&C Executive Committee

President Ms Caroline Aow
Vice President

Ms Elizabeth Kenyon

Ms Emma Pearce

Treasurer Mr Hung Ngo
Secretary Mr Malcolm Groves
Executive Members

Ms Helen de Wolfe

Mr David Hetherington

Mr Peter Bestel

Ms Kirrily Druery

P&C Representatives and Sub-committee Coordinators

Foundation Representative Ms Caroline Aow
IMP Representative Ms Tania Koit
Finance Committee Representative Ms Caroline Aow
Fundraising Committee Ms Elizabeth Kenyon
Ms Helen De Wolfe
Ms Emma Pearce
Uniform shop Coordinator Ms Monica Zhang
Second Hand Uniform Coordinator Ms Emma Pearce

Uniform shop

See the uniform page for the latest updates on how to order from the Uniform Shop.


The P&C is a body corporate under the Parents & Citizens’ Association Incorporation Act 1976, the constitution can be viewed here.

Fort Street P&C Constitution


One of the roles of the P&C is fundraising, which is contributed to the school, to provide better facilities than government funding covers.

The funds that the P&C can make available to the school come from P&C memberships, uniform shop sales and the proceeds from events such as Fort Fest, IMP concerts and Senior Drama nights.

In 2019 the P&C gave the school more than $200,000 to provide sporting facilities, classroom technology, faculty assets and numerous other items.


The P&C is also active in applying for local, state and federal government grants. Funds received from these grants enable the school to build better facilities for our students and run projects to improve educational outcomes.

In 2020 the P&C won grants to refurbish the library foyer and establish the Kitchen Garden and composting program.

If you have information about upcoming grants, experience with or an interest in applying for grants, please contact the P&C.

Community events

Community Events run by the P&C aim to build community awareness within the school, give parents, students and other supporters an opportunity to meet informally and to contribute to the school and to raise funds.


The P&C holds meetings usually at 7:30pm in the school library on the second Wednesday of each month during school terms. These meetings provide an opportunity to learn more about what is happening in the school, how it operates, to ask questions and to meet other parents. The Principal usually gives an informative report on the recent happenings within the school.

Most of these meetings focus on a particular topic, which is often aimed at the parents of a particular year group.

Upcoming agenda

The next P&C meeting will be Wednesday August 14 at 7.00pm, in person in the school library and will also be shown via Zoom. Details will be emailed to all parents and carers prior to the event. 

Starting the meeting will be a presentation from Michael Galvin, Relieving Head Teacher - Teaching and Learning, who will be discussing and taking questions on the school Mentoring Program. This will be followed by the P&C meeting itself.

Here is the agenda for this meeting.


Read our P&C Consitution here



Membership of a P&C association entitles you to vote at the general meetings and the annual general meeting. All memberships are renewed yearly, before or at the annual general meeting. Please see the link to the membership form below for more details.

If you wish to become a member, please fill out the linked membership form and email to the P&C via the address below or submit to the school office. Note that the fee for joining the P&C is $1, which can be paid to the P&C bank account via direct deposit (please ensure that you supply your name with the deposit).

The P&C bank account details are:

Fort Street High School P&C Association

BSB: 032-267

Account: 247674

Contact: The P&C can be contacted on