Fort Street High School

Faber est suae quisque fortunae

Telephone02 8585 1600


sun clock

The Fort Street Foundation was formed in 1998 as the brainchild of a group of 1949 Fortians Fortians who were returning to the School for their 50th year anniversary.. It is a registered charity and supports the school financially for initiatives including the development of buildings and facilities. The Foundation runs three funds: the Building Fund, the Library Fund (both tax deductible) and the Education Fund.



They saw the need to establish a way to raise funds for the school but as a separate entity. Then, as now, the focus was to support the school by raising money for a wide range of projects including the development and refurbishment of facilities, bursaries and student support. The Foundation is governed by a Board consisting of Fortian alumni and representatives of the school community.

The Foundation is divided into three areas of donation: the Building Fund, the Library fund and the Education Fund.  Donations to the Building and Library Funds are tax deductible and can only be accessed with the approval of the School Council.


Donations to the Fort Street Foundation can be made using this link to online payments.

You will need to select Add Item from the bottom left hand corner.


A pop up box will appear where you can select Fort Street Foundation Library Fund (tax deductible) and tick the box  to the left. Then click on Add Item.


You can then enter the amount you wish to pay and select Pay Now. After your payment is processed you will be emailed a receipt.

Alternatively you can send a cheque made payable to ‘The Fort Street Foundation’ indicating where you would like your donation to be directed.  Please mail to Fort Street High School, Parramatta Road, Petersham.  NSW 2049

For more assistance please contact Ms Juliette McMurray on  8585 1600 or at

Donations to the Building Fund and Library Fund are tax deductible

The Building Fund

Gifts made to the Building Fund are used to assist in financing major capital works.

In recent years this has included:

  • The refurbishment of the school library
  • The refurbishment of existing areas into technology spaces and additional learning areas including the "Newby" Lecture Theatre and a flexible learning space
  • The building of a covered outdoor learning space with power, lighting and seating for 150 
  • The establishment of the “Ron Horan Museum” – an interactive area where students can research the rich history of Fort Street High School and its alumni

The Library Fund

The Foundation Library Fund is an ancillary fund registered with the ACNC.  It exists solely to support The Fort Street High School library and library services.  Gifts made to the School Library Fund can only be used  for library purposes – books, literacy resources, training and learning activities that take place within the library space.  This also includes the archives.

This includes:

  • Literacy resources eg books, text books, interactive whiteboards, online learning subscriptions
  • The purchase of specialised computing equipment including laptops and software
  • Additional learning support staff
  • Supporting the school website
  • Supporting the school archival program

The Education Fund

The Education Fund is NOT tax deductible.  It is used to support out of pocket expenses for students and staff involved in co curricular activities.

In recent years this has included:

  • Providing bursary assistance to families in need
  • Supporting the Duke of Edinburgh Award program
  • The acquisition of educational equipment
  • Enhancing the professional development of our teaching staff
  • Providing financial support for students involved robotics, F1, music, sport and more

Many Australian companies offer a matching gifts program, where any donation made to an Australian based registered charity is matched by the employer. The Fort Street Foundation is an eligible registered charity and we encourage donors to ask their employer about registering their gifts via this program. Matching gifts is a simple and easy way to double the impact.

Donations can be made to the Fort Street Foundation in the following ways:

Online payments can be accessed here

Foundation Directors  
Mr Colin Long President
Mr Mark Lindsay Public Officer and Director
Ms Juliette McMurray Principal
Ms Rebecca Cameron Staff Director
Ms Kylie Salisbury Staff Director
Mr Don Newby Fortians Union Director
Ms Caroline Aow P&C Director
Ms Karen Charles Further Director
Mr Iain Wallace Executive Officer


Minutes are available by request from


Reunions are a fantastic opportunity for Fortians to reconnect with others from their year group and with the current school. If you would like to visit the school as part of your reunion activities then please contact Mr Iain Wallace on 8585 1600 (Thursdays and/or Fridays) or at

Contact: Mr Iain Wallace
Executive Officer