Fort Street High School

Faber est suae quisque fortunae

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2021 HSC results

student accepting his award

Fort Street’s outstanding reputation for academic excellence is reflected in the consistently high results that students achieve in the Higher School Certificate. Ninety-five percent of students proceed from school immediately to university studies with 65% of the year 12 cohort achieving an ATAR in the 90's. Our highest achievers are recognised and celebrated at Speech Day each year.

Our students continue as individuals and in groups to be outstanding academic achievers. In 2021 seventeen Fortians featured on the HSC Top All-rounders List.

2021 Top All Rounders

This list acknowledges students who achieved in the highest performance band in 10 or more units in the HSC.

Karan Bhasin Jonathan Dang Ashley Lu
Shreya Bhattarai Marley Donald Tyran Nguyen
Luca Butterworth Ella Easton Carmen Ossimitz
Jack Coleman Madeleine Grisard Meg Raven
Ava Corey Christina Lee Stella Sharwood
Jennifer Dang Phoebe Lim  

First Place in Course

Madeleine Grisard French Beginners (NSW School of Languages)
Gordon Huang Mathematics Advanced (accelerated student)

Top Achievers in Course

The top achievers in Course list indicates the students who achieved in the top 5, 10 or 20 places (depending on overall size) for each HSC course:

Jack Coleman Chemistry 2nd
Marley Donald Ancient History 7th
Marley Donald Biology 3rd
Carmen Ossimitz German Continuers 3rd
Carmen Ossimitz German Extension 4th

HSC Showcases

Each year the Board of Studies showcases outstanding student work in a series of exhibitions and showcases. In 2021 the nominated  Fortians were:

Onstage – Drama

Stella Sharwood (Costume Design) Nominated and selected

Encore – Music 

Madeleine Grisard Performance Nominated & Selected
Eleanor McLeod Composition Nominated

Artexpress – Visual Art

Pheobe Lim Nominated & selected