Fort Street High School has adopted a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach to allow student use of personal electronic devices at school.
The term “device” refers to any brand laptop or tablet owned by the student, and which has the capability of connecting to the department’s Wi-Fi network. Students are not allowed to use a mobile phone as their primary school device for classroom use.
Access to the department’s Wi-Fi network and resources
Internet access through the department’s Wi-Fi network will be provided on departmental sites at no cost to students who are enrolled in NSW public schools.
Acceptable use of devices
The principal will retain the right to determine what is, and is not, appropriate use of devices at the school within the bounds of the department’s policies and NSW privacy and other legislation.
• Students must comply with departmental and school policies concerning the use of devices at school.
• Students must not create, transmit, retransmit or participate in the circulation of content that attempts to bypass any software security mechanisms implemented by the department, its Information Technology Directorate or the school.
• Students must not copy, transmit or retransmit any material that is protected by copyright, without prior permission from the copyright owner.
• Students must not take photos or make video or audio recordings of any individual or group without the express written permission of each individual being and the permission of an appropriate supervising staff member.
• Students must not use the department’s network services to seek out, access, store or send any material of an offensive, obscene, pornographic, threatening, abusive or defamatory nature. Such use may result in disciplinary and/or legal action.
• Students and their parents or carers are advised that activity on the internet is recorded and that these records may be used in investigations, court proceedings or for other legal reasons.
Where a teacher has reasonable grounds to suspect that a device is being used contrary to these guidelines, the staff member may confiscate the device to be returned at the end of the lesson, at the end of the school day, or for parents to collect from the school.
The consequences of any breaches of the school’s BYOD policy will be determined by the Principal in accordance with relevant Department policies. Depending on the nature of the breach, school disciplinary action may be appropriate, or in extreme circumstances referral to the police.
BYOD Student Agreement
Prior to connecting their devices to the department’s Wi-Fi network, students must return a signed BYOD Student Agreement. By accepting the terms of the BYOD Student Agreement, the student and parents or carers acknowledge that the student:
• agrees to comply with the conditions of the school’s BYOD policy; and
• understands that noncompliance may result in disciplinary action.
Long-term care and support of devices
• Students and their parents or carers are solely responsible for the care and maintenance of their devices.
• Students must have and maintain a supported operating system and current antivirus software installed on their device.
• Students are responsible for ensuring the operating system and all software on their device is legally and appropriately licensed.
• Students are responsible for managing the battery life of their device. Students should ensure that their devices are fully charged before bringing them to school.
• Students are responsible for securing and protecting their device in schools, and while travelling to and from school. This includes protective/carry cases and exercising common sense when storing the device.
• Students should clearly label their device for identification purposes.
Damage and loss
• Students bring their devices onto the school site at their own risk.
• In cases of malicious damage or theft of another student’s device, existing school processes for damage to school or another student’s property apply.
Technical support
The school will provide initial support to enable students to join the DoE Wi-Fi network. There will be no other ongoing support provided to students.
DoE technology standards
The department’s Wi-Fi network installed in high schools operates on the 802.11n 5Ghz standard. Devices that do not support this standard will not be able to connect.
Security and device management processes
Students will be responsible for:
• Strong passwords (the portal has Password Help information);
• Device anti-virus software, if applicable; and
• Privacy controls.
The department’s Digital Citizenship ( website contains information to support security and device management.