Language Cultural Tours
Students from Years 10 and 11 German and Japanese classes will be travelling to their fellow sister schools in Berlin and Tokyo during the 2023 September/October holiday period to participate in lessons, cultural activities as well as touring other culturally significant sites. All students are excited about meeting their homestay families and buddies as well as using their language skills to enhance understanding of their newfound worlds.
Sister-school relationships began with the Georg Büchner Gymnasium (Berlin) in 1999 and Suginami-Sogo High School (Tokyo) from the mid 1980s. Students from these schools will be visiting Fort Street in 2024 and the school will be requesting families to billet them while they are attending Fort Street High. Billeting is a great way for Fortians to establish friendships with students their own ages and perhaps visit them in country in 2025.
Contact: Ms Lindy Wark
Head Teacher - History/Languages
Cohen Staffroom
IMP European Tour
The Instrumental Music Program aims to tour overseas every 3 years, and is generally open to more senior IMP students. Previous tours have seen groups of approximately 100 students performing in Italy, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. We performed in some of the most iconic venues in Europe, including singing mass at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, and a recital in St Mark’s Venice. As well as numerous informal recitals in venues ranging from caves to the Pantheon, we played to packed houses in public concerts in Vienna, Rome, Florence and Venice.
The next IMP tour will take place in April 2024, visiting Spain and Portugal in April 2024.
Contact: Mr Matthew Manchester
IMP Director
Rowe Staffroom