Fort Street High School

Faber est suae quisque fortunae

Telephone02 8585 1600


students playing in the ground

Fort Street High School has a wide range of programs that support student learning and enhance social and personal development. They operate as part of the extended before and after school timetable and are designed to complement the curriculum by enriching the core learning experiences for students. All activities undertaken are listed on student reports

Summary of Clubs and Committees 2024

Co-curricular activities

Co-curricular activities offered at Fort Street include:

•      Charity, Volunteering and Other: Amnesty Club, Breakfast Club, Board Games Club (Guild), Diversity Committee, Environmental Club, Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme (Years 9-12), Girl UP Female Leadership Club, Morning Meditation Group, Netball Club, Running Club, STIVE (student led Christian group), Student2Student reading program (Smith family), Ultimate Frisbee, Year Group Charity Committees

•      Instrumental Music Program: a wide range of bands, ensembles, orchestras, choirs etc. available

•      Subject Based: Art Studio, Astronomy Club, ASX Schools Share market Game, Blender Club (3D Modelling), Book Club, Chess Club, Debating Club, Drama Club, Philosophy Club, Premier’s Reading Challenge, Public Speaking, Robotics Club (Maker Society), Social Justice Committee, SRC, Theatre Sports, Tournament of the Minds, UN Club

Clubs and Committees

At the start of each year there will be Clubs and Committess Day at lunch time where students can visit the groups in the hall. Students can find out about each club and what they do and sign up to any that they may be interested in.

The school encourages all students to participate in two (or more) co-curricular activities, in order to make friendships, develop skills and build confidence and resilience.  

Find out more about Student Clubs and Committees here.


Find out more about what your child will learn at our school.

Like all NSW schools, we have developed teaching and learning programs to suit our local context and the needs of our students.

To learn more about the curriculum in NSW, visit:

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