Life at the Fort is about more than what goes on in the classroom. Before school, after school and at lunchtimes, students come together in student run clubs and teacher supervised activities.
Fort Street has a range of co-curricular programs that support student learning and enhance social and personal development. These programs fall under 3 groups (Charity, Volunteering and Other; Instrumental Music Program and Subject Based). They operate as part of the extended before and after school timetable and are designed to complement the curriculum by enriching the core learning experiences for students. All activities undertaken are listed on student semester reports.
Co-curricular activities offered at Fort Street include:
Amnesty Committee
A group for students who want to challenge injustice wherever it happens, and stand for equality, freedom and justice. A crew of Fortians dedicate time each week to discussing and campaigning for social and political justice, and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that they are making a real difference.
On Friday lunch in W23. Contact: Ms Hurrell (Cohen Staffroom)
Art Studio
These sessions focus on a variety of art mediums and are held in K21 on Wednesday afternoons from 3.30pm until 4.30pm. This group is open to students from all years.
On Wednesday afternoons 3.30-4.30pm in K21. Contact: Ms Cho and Ms Thompson (Rowe Staffroom)
Astronomy Club
This group meets in K5 on Wednesday at lunch time and in the summer months on the school oval at night to appreciate the beauty of the universe. If you are interested in learning how to work with a telescope or how to build one, this club is for you. So far this group has observed the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn with students and parents and introduced themselves to astrophotography.
On Wednesday lunch in K5. Contact: Mr Leondios (Rowe Staffroom)
ASX Schools Sharemarket Game
The ASX competition runs twice a year and is a valuable way to learn about the risks and rewards of share market investing. Students are allocated $50 000 of notional money to purchase shares listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. They monitor and trade the shares through a two-month period. Students can win monetary prizes for themselves and their school.
Contact: TBC
Blender Club (3D Modelling)
The 3D Modelling and Animation Club is led by Aaron Ji (Year 11) and aims to teach students how to use Blender software for 3D modelling and animations.
On Monday after school 3.30pm-4.30pm in K12. Contact: Ms Catalan (Rowe Staffroom)
Breakfast Club
Breakfast is provided for students in the staff common room (lower level of the Wilkins Building near the Ron Horan Museum) every Thursday from 8.30-9.30am.
Contact: Rose Dooley (Student Support Office)
Chess Club
Fort Street competes in the NSW Junior Chess League Secondary Schools Competition. The competition rounds are held on Friday afternoons during Term Two and involve travel to various schools in the district. Chess boards are also available to borrow during breaks in the library.
Contact: Mr Wright (Library)
Composting Team
This group is coordinated by Ms Catalan in the Rowe staffroom. The composters have a fortnightly roster, and their duties are acknowledged by house points.
Contact: Ms Maddox (English Staffroom)
Debating and Public Speaking
Students work in small tutorial groups of 8-10 people, every Monday afternoon from 3:30 – 5:00pm. These tutorials are led by debating coaches recruited from Sydney’s premier universities. Many of these coaches have reached success at prestigious international tournaments. Every student in the program learns the key components of debating, and will have the opportunity to participate in formal and informal competitive debates within Fort Street. All students in the program are also eligible to try out for a FSHS representative team, which will compete in the Premier’s Debating Challenge against the best school in NSW. The cost for the program will be confirmed in Term 1 2024.
Contact: Mr Tennant (Cohen Staffroom) Monday 3.30-5.00pm
Diversity Committee
Diversity committee work to create an inclusive environment at FSHS that celebrates diversity of gender, sexuality, neurotype and ability. Please join us to advocate for these and any other diversity issues you care about. Everyone is welcome.
On Wednesday Lunch in W19. Contact: Rose Dooley (Student Support Office)
Drama Club
Open to students in years 7-10 that will challenge these students to think imaginatively about how they can create new worlds, characters and mood without relying on overly complex setting, props or costumes. The students work with short scripts and script excerpts and learn to bring those scripts to life by transforming themselves and their space into the characters and worlds of the play. No Cost.
On Wednesday mornings 7.45am in R1. Contact: Ms Mattick (Rowe Staffroom)
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
This award is open to students 14 years of age or older. At Fort Street, all Year 9 students have the opportunity to complete the Bronze Award. To qualify for an award, students must satisfy Community Service, Skills, Physical recreation and Adventurous Journey requirements. Students can progress through the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, which require increasing levels of commitment and achievement. Students are expected to organise their own community service, skill/hobby, physical recreation activities (cannot include school sport) and expeditions.
Contact: Gold - Ms Johnston (Cohen Staffroom), Silver – Ms Thompson (Rowe Staffroom), Bronze TBC
Environment Committee
This committee is for students with a passion for the environment and leadership to work cooperatively on projects to lower the school’s ecological footprint and to improve general environmental outcomes. This group meets every Thursday lunchtime either in the Flexible Learning Space or on the sandstone steps on the oval.
Contact: Ms Maddox (Rowe Staffroom)
Fitness and Running Club
This group meets for fitness training on Thursday afternoons 3:30- 4:10pm in the gym.
Contact: Ms Cove (Rowe Staffroom)
Futsal Club
This group meets at 8.45am on Thursday mornings on the Futsal courts.
Contact: Ms Ezekiel (Rowe Staffroom)
The Guild
There are all types of board games for students to borrow such as Jenga, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, Settlers of Catan, Connect 4, and packs of standard playing cards. Students can also bring their own games and play with the other members of the Guild.
On Wednesday and Thursday lunch in K13. Contact: Mr O’Neil (Cohen Staffroom
Instrumental Music Program (IMP)
The IMP caters for a range of musical abilities and styles and at present includes over a third of all students from Years 7-12. The 14 ensembles in the program present over 80 performances each year (performances have been severely disrupted by COVID). A variety of ensembles exist within the program from Symphony Orchestras, Wind Ensembles, Jazz Ensembles and Choirs. The IMP is well established and is run by a sub-committee of the P&C. Itinerant music tutors provide expert tuition and the Bands, Orchestras and Choral ensemble are conducted by visiting music directors.
Contact: Dr Manchester, IMP Coordinator and Director of Bands (Rowe Staffroom)
Maker Society
This committee provides a space to inspire students to start their own technology based projects. Activities include beginner workshops for various technology platforms, show-and-tell, weekly open maker space access, long-term team-based challenges, as well as opportunities to enter inter-school competitions such as RoboCup Junior, the F1 in Schools technology Challenge and the Australian STEM Video Game Challenge. This club meets every Thursday afternoon in K13 from 3:15 to 4:40pm. It costs $55 to join this society.
Contact: Mr Patane or Mr Pawley (Rowe Staffroom)
Meditation Group
Tuesday mornings 8.15-8.30am in the SSO room.
Contact: Rose Dooley (Student Support Office)
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Every student in Years 7-9 is eligible to participate in the challenge. Students need to read 20 books from the beginning of September to the end of August the following year. Students who have completed four Challenges receive a Gold Certificate; students who complete every challenge from Year 3 to Year 9 receive a medal. All Year 7 and 8 classes spend at least one period in the library exploring the variety of reading material.
Contact: Ms Page (Library)
Reconciliation Committee
Join other interested students to discuss how FSHS can contribute to reconciliation. Meets in Library Seminar 1 every Thursday lunch.
Contact: Daniel Rees, SRC
This is a student led club where teams learn about robots and how to build them using a range of technologies. The teams compete against each other at school and then progress to the Robocup Junior competition. It costs $55 to join this club. Email:
Contact: Mr Patane (Rowe Staffroom) Thursday from 3:15 to 4:30pm in K13.
Running Club
Whatever your skill level you are welcome to join the school running club which meets on Friday mornings at 8:00am for half an hour on the oval.
Contact: Ms Ezekiel (Rowe Staffroom)
Science Challenges
Interested Year 10 students can participate in the Science Challenge where they act as mentors to students from local primary schools in conducting research projects and investigations (WAFTUS). During National Science Week, selected Year 9 and 10 students will display research projects in the Fort Street Science Fair. These projects will be evaluated and judged by a panel of scientists from the community.
Contact: Mr Hasenbein (Rowe Staffroom)
For over 20 years, Fort Street has supported a student led and mentored, voluntary Christian program called STIVE – abbreviated from “students alive”. The group meets every Friday lunchtime in the staff common room (Wilkins level 1 near Museum) and offers Christian focused learning and fellowship for all Fortians who wish to attend. It is a Department of Education policy that all students who wish to attend voluntary student activities of a religious nature need to have parent permission.
Contact: TBA
Student 2 Student Reading Program
FSHS has been involved in the Smith Families’ student2student reading program for many years. Students can volunteer to be a reading buddy for a younger student in another school who has been assessed as being up to two years behind in their reading development and wanting additional support to improve their learning. The Fort Street buddy listens to an allocated younger student read over the telephone two to three times a week for at least 20 minutes. The student then records each phone call and reports on the progress.
Contact: Ms Maddox (Cohen Staffroom)
This program is offered to drama students in Years 8 – 12. The students focus on developing improvisation skills which help create problem solving and spontaneity. They learn a variety of Theatresports games, and to compete against each other in a supportive environment. Students also have the opportunity to be selected for representative teams that compete in external Theatresports competitions. There is a cost per student, to cover the cost of the Coach, dependent on how many students participate.
On Tuesday 3.00–4.00pm in R1 – Contact is: Ms Mattick (Rowe Staffroom)
Tournament of Minds (TOM)
Every year FSHS enters teams in this national educational program challenging the world to develop problem solving skills. TOM offers teams of students the opportunity to solve authentic, open-ended challenges that foster creative, divergent thinking whilst developing collaborative enterprise, excellence and teamwork. Challenges are set in the fields of the Arts, Language Literature, Social Sciences and STEM. Students from Years 7,8,9 and 10 form teams of seven people. Senior students have the opportunity to mentor junior students, acting as team coordinators and providing advice and feedback. Seniors can also be official judges at the competition event itself. Teams will be formed and trained in Term Two for the competition in Term Three.
Contact: Ms Trifunovic (Cohen Staffroom)
Water Polo Club
This group meets at Leichhardt Aquatic Centre early before school on Tuesday mornings.
Contact: Ms Ezekiel (Rowe Staffroom)