In this program students work in small tutorial groups of 8-10 people, every Monday afternoon from 3:30–5 pm. These tutorials are led by world-class debating coaches recruited from Sydney’s premier universities. Many of these coaches have reached success at prestigious international tournaments. Every student in the program learns the key components of debating, and will have the opportunity to participate in formal and informal competitive debates within Fort Street.
All students in the program are also eligible to try out for a FSHS representative team, which will compete in the Premier’s Debating Challenge against the best school in NSW. We enter competitions including Department of Education: Karl Cramp Year 12, Hume Barbour Year 11, Premiers Debating Challenge Intermediate (Years 9 and 10) and Junior Competitions (Years 7 and 8).
The cost of the program is approximately $300 for the year.
Contact: Mr Andrew Tennent
English Faculty
Cohen Staffroom
Public Speaking
Public Speaking is a high profile activity in the school and will continue to be fostered by a range of staff within the school. Each year students are selected to represent the school at the Sydney Morning Herald Plain English Speaking Awards and the Legacy Junior Public Speaking Awards.
Contact: Mr Andrew Tennent
English Faculty
Cohen Staffroom