In Years 11 and 12 students are prepared for the NSW Higher School Certificate. A broad range of courses are offered and the curriculum has a clear path to university entrance. The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) requires students to study a minimum of 12 units in Year 11 and 10 units in Year 12.
Senior Schooling consists of the Stage 6 Curriculum studied during Years 11 and 12. All students must study at least four different subjects totalling a minimum of 12 Units in Year 11 and 10 Units in Year 12 including 2 units of English. The English courses offered at Fort Street are Advanced or Extension courses.
Curriculum choice patterns are formulated from student needs. A small number of students negotiate acceleration in one or more subjects. Students have accelerated in Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, French, Music & Mathematics.
All students in Years 11 and 12 also continue with Fortunae (wellbeing lessons).
Subjects are chosen from:
- Ancient History
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Chinese in Context
- Drama
- Earth & Environmental Science
- Economics
- Engineering Studies
- English Extension 1
- French Continuers
- German Continuers
- Geography
- Hospitality
- Japanese Continuers
- Legal Studies
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Modern History
- Music 2
- Photography (1 Unit) *
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
- Philosophy (1 Unit) *
- Physics
- Software Design and Development
- Studies of Religion (1 Unit) *
- Visual Arts
* Year 11 only
HSC Extension Courses (Year 12 only)
- History
- Chinese
- Japanese
- French
- German
- Music
- Mathematics Extension 2
- English Extension 2
- Science Extension