Enquiries are welcome from members of the Fort Street community and beyond. For this research service, a minimum donation to the Library Fund of $30 is requested. An additional amount may be requested if the enquiry requires substantial research or copying costs. Donations to the Library Fund are tax deductible.
Payments can be made at the front office or online.
Note: Under ‘Student Details’ fill in your details. Then under ‘Payment Options’ select ‘Other’ then type in ‘Library Fund Archives – your surname’.
Library Fund Archive Donations
- Donations of Archival Material - The Fort Street Archive is delighted to accept donations of relevant material such as photographs, original objects or memorabilia that increase the richness of the collection. Please read the school’s Donation Policy and Agreement.
- Donate to a Project – Many reunion groups giving back to the school in some way. To donate money towards an archival or educational project at the school, please get in contact to view the current list of approved projects
- Financial Donations - To make a tax deductible financial donation to the archives, please follow the link to online payments. You will need to enter your name and surname in the student details and tick the box marked ‘other’ under payment options. Library Fund Archive Donations
Financial Donations
To make a tax deductible financial donation to the archives please follow the link to online payments.
You will need to select Add Item from the bottom left hand corner.