Learning Support at Fort Street
Students at Fort Street High School are typically academically gifted but may need assistance in achieving their academic potential due to poor organisational skills, perfectionism, anxiety and/or autism.
The Learning Support Team at Fort Street High School assists students facing a range of barriers to achieve their educational and developmental potential by providing a range of strategies and specialised support that reflects the specific context and unique needs of our students.
At Fort Street High School, support may come in the form of extension and/or intervention. To ensure our students receive support tailored to their specific needs the Learning Support Team will:
- Collaborate with students, parents, classroom teachers and external agencies
- Deliver targeted support services to those who require specialised expertise, assessment adjustments and/or other interventions in order to overcome barriers to learning
- Develop the capacity of the workforce within FSHS to meet the needs of students who have additional needs, or are disadvantaged or vulnerable, to enable them to achieve successful educationa and wellbeing outcomes
- Respond to emerging student learning support and wellbeing needs and contribute in the identification of and response to school priority areas.
- Respond to critical incidents involving students, staff and school communities where necessary
A prime function of our Learning Support Team is to ensure that the needs of all students in the school are being met using a three-tiered model of support addressing universal, targeted and intensive supports for students and teachers. There is a strong focus on:
- Systems - what we do to support teachers
- Practices - what we do to support students
- Data - to inform our decision making about systems and practices
The Learning Support Team
The school learning and support team plays a key role in ensuring that the specific needs of students with disability and additional learning and support needs are met. A key feature of our learning support team is the collaborative planning between teachers, support staff, parents and students:
- Identify school needs
- Establish school priorities
- Training and development
- Coordinate resources (human and material)
- Identify resource needs
- Assist in development of school Learning Support policy and procedures
- Collaboratively plan to develop action plans with strategies to support students
- Liaise with students, parents and outside agencies
The Learning Centre and Learning Support Staff are located in the School Library.
Barbara Vasiliadis - Monday, Tuesday
Alissa Tan - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Jill Ryan - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Learning Centre - Library