Staff Roles Explained
Supervises all staff, students and activities, is available to discuss issues with parents and students. For the convenience of all, appointments should be made through the Principal’s Assistant:
Ms Long on 8585 1636. The Principal may suggest that help be obtained from other members of staff.
Deputy Principals
Are responsible for the day to day running of the school and for matters relating to discipline and wellbeing.
Head Teachers
Lead faculties based on subjects or groups of subjects, e.g. English, Social Science etc. They are responsible for the planning and teaching of the courses of study provided in each of their respective subjects. Parents may make an appointment to see the relevant Head Teacher for subject specific information or help.
Year Advisers and Assistants
Are responsible for looking after the interests of all students in their year group. Students and parents are free to seek the help of the Year Adviser, who in most cases should be the first point of contact. Appointments must be made to see the Year Adviser. The Assistant Year Adviser supports the role, and generally co-ordinates the year group charity committee.
School Counsellor
Provides assistance to students experiencing emotional, psychological, social and learning problems. In supporting students, the school counsellor will also provide advice to parents and teachers as appropriate. Appointments to see a Counsellor are made through Head Teacher Wellbeing, Ms Smith.
Student Support Officers
Support the implementation of the school’s whole-of-school approach to wellbeing, helping students develop social and emotional skills through targeted strengths-based programs and strategies that build resilience, coping skills and positive relationships.
Learning Support Teachers
Co-ordinate the Learning Centre. They work with students to promote specialised support for students with particular learning needs. The Homework Centre is on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Careers Adviser
Co-ordinates a program of Careers Education from Years 7-12 and is able to provide information relating to subject selection and vocational aspirations. Parents may also arrange interviews with the Careers Adviser.
Sports and Carnivals Coordinator
Organises sport in Years 7-11 for all students and the annual swimming, athletics and cross-country carnivals throughout the year. Year 7 sport is integrated into the school day throughout the week. Years 8-11 sports are held each Tuesday afternoon and are organised for zone, grade or recreational purposes.