Fort Street High School

Faber est suae quisque fortunae

Telephone02 8585 1600

Our staff


Teachers at Fort Street are committed to helping our gifted students reach their academic potential by creating programs which build on the learning continuum, promote creative and critical thinking and incorporate differentiation to give them challenging and meaningful learning experiences.





Our staff come from a wide range of backgrounds themselves, and bringing a diverse range of talents and skills, teachers celebrate the diversity found in the classroom.

In 2016 the teaching staff received training from University of NSW in Gifted and Talented education; new staff undertake this training to ensure quality teaching and learning continues to be at the core of our practice.

School Staff for 2025

Senior Executive


Principal Ms Juliette McMurray
Deputy Principal (Years 7, 9 and 11) Mr David Sherwin (Relieving)
Deputy Principal (Years 8, 10 and 12) Ms Carolyn Mattick (Relieving)


Head Teacher – Administration Ms Manar Hussein (Relieving)
Head Teacher – English Mr Edmund McMahon
Head Teacher – Mathematics Mr Ali Razzaghi
Head Teacher – Languages Ms Melinda Wark
Head Teacher – History Ms Melinda Wark
Head Teacher – Science Mr Brian Webb
Head Teacher – Social Science Mr David Latimer (Relieving)
Head Teacher – Creative and Performing Arts Ms Elizabeth Propsting (Relieving)
Head Teacher – Wellbeing Ms Kristina Smith
Head Teacher – Technology Mr Dai Dong
Head Teacher – Teaching and Learning Mr Michael Galvin

Key staff


School Administration Manager Ms Kirrily Druery
School Business Manager Ms Vivien Davies
Assistant to the Principal Ms Kellorin Long
SPE - Senior Psychologist Education Department  Ms Jean Kidd
School Counsellors Ms Miori Shino 
Student Support Officers (SSO) Ms Rose Dooley/Ms Katie Mann
Learning Support Ms Jill Ryan and Ms Alissa Tan
Teacher Librarian Ms Donna Page
Careers Adviser Ms Kylie Salisbury
Sports Coordinator Mr Edmund Feng
CHS Sports and Carnivals Coordinator Mr Bradley Sarif
Instrumental Music Program Director Mr Matt Manchester
Technology Technical Support  Mr Zerly Nazar
Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO) Ms Louise Nolan
SRC Coordinator Mr Bambul Shakibaei
Debating Co-ordinator Ms Andrew Tennant

Year Advisers

Year 7 Adviser Mr Ben Clark
Year 7 Assistant Adviser Ms Fiona Richards
Year 8 Adviser Mr Rod Carritt
Year 8 Assistant Adviser Ms Maddy Cove
Year 9 Adviser Ms Amelia Lawson
Year 9 Assistant Adviser Ms Louise Nolan
Year 10 Adviser Ms Jenny Xu
Year 10 Assistant Adviser Ms Hyun Cho
Year 11 Adviser Mr Derek Patulny
Year 11 Assistant Adviser Ms Helen Thompson
Year 12 Adviser Ms Angelica Catalan
Year 12 Assistant Adviser Mr Andrew Tennant


Staff Roles Explained



Supervises all staff, students and activities, is available to discuss issues with parents and students. For the convenience of all, appointments should be made through the Principal’s Assistant:

Ms Long on 8585 1636. The Principal may suggest that help be obtained from other members of staff.


Deputy Principals

Are responsible for the day to day running of the school and for matters relating to discipline and wellbeing. 


Head Teachers

Lead faculties based on subjects or groups of subjects, e.g. English, Social Science etc. They are responsible for the planning and teaching of the courses of study provided in each of their respective subjects. Parents may make an appointment to see the relevant Head Teacher for subject specific information or help.


Year Advisers and Assistants

Are responsible for looking after the interests of all students in their year group. Students and parents are free to seek the help of the Year Adviser, who in most cases should be the first point of contact. Appointments must be made to see the Year Adviser. The Assistant Year Adviser supports the role, and generally co-ordinates the year group charity committee.


School Counsellor

Provides assistance to students experiencing emotional, psychological, social and learning problems. In supporting students, the school counsellor will also provide advice to parents and teachers as appropriate. Appointments to see a Counsellor are made through Head Teacher Wellbeing, Ms Smith.


Student Support Officers

Support the implementation of the school’s whole-of-school approach to wellbeing, helping students develop social and emotional skills through targeted strengths-based programs and strategies that build resilience, coping skills and positive relationships.


Learning Support Teachers

Co-ordinate the Learning Centre.  They work with students to promote specialised support for students with particular learning needs.  The Homework Centre is on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.


Careers Adviser

Co-ordinates a program of Careers Education from Years 7-12 and is able to provide information relating to subject selection and vocational aspirations. Parents may also arrange interviews with the Careers Adviser.


Sports and Carnivals Coordinator

Organises sport in Years 7-11 for all students and the annual swimming, athletics and cross-country carnivals throughout the year. Year 7 sport is integrated into the school day throughout the week. Years 8-11 sports are held each Tuesday afternoon and are organised for zone, grade or recreational purposes.